A look at my Dysons - December 2015

A long overdue update!

I bought all the Dysons I owned down from the loft before Christmas, and had a bit of a photoshoot. These pictures are out of date now, as there has been some movement.

is what it looked like!

Here we have the oldies:
DC01 De Stijl
DC01 Absolute+
DC01 Standard 
DC02 Standard

As for the rest:

The DC18 is awaiting surgery and refurbishment
The DC50 is waiting for a miracle!
The DC03 Clear is no longer with me, it now lives in Manchester in a glass case!
The DC03 Absolute Plus I still have
The DC05 Needs a new wand
The DC16 gets used daily

I also have a scrap DC02 Clear now, although that is being broken for spares. I also have a late DC01 Standard, which is faded and will be lent out to a family member after refurbishment as a stop gap vacuum.

I didn't mean to start collecting DC01's, it just sort of happened!


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